This Site Will Send You Free Pizza If You’re Stuck In Line To Vote

Long lines suck, but pizza does not.
Long lines suck, but pizza does not. Pizza to the Polls wants to feed you pizza to celebrate—and encourage—your right to vote.
Portland-based web developers Scott Duncombe and Noah Manger launched their nonpartisan initiative on Nov. 6 to get as many people to the polls as possible.
Here's a pic from our friend @sone4321 in Chicago. Apparently there's still a huge line - we've sent more pizza!
“Americans are hungry for democracy and are turning out in record numbers to vote,” the Pizza to the Polls website says. “But that means long lines and sometimes empty stomachs, which might discourage these brave patriots from performing their civic duty.”
All you have do is go to the website, submit a link from Twitter or Instagram that verifies the Disney World-esque line at the polling place and send it to them. You can also donate $10 for one pizza to their fund directly on the website. As of 2pm EST, $21,294 has been contributed and 576 pizzas have been sent pizza to voters in Chicago, Miami, Cincinnati and more cities across the nation.
Election volunteers and staff at All Saints Lutheran Church in Minnetonka thank you for the za @PizzaToThePolls @K8Borman #ElectionDay
Duncombe and Manger are using some leftover funds from their political action committee Americans Against Insecure Billionaires With Tiny Hands PAC to support their pizza initiative.
Duncombe tells Huffington Post that using PAC’s leftover money felt like “a good cause. “I had access to that fund, and we didn’t have any plans for it,” he said. “This felt like a good way to make sure that money went to a good cause.” Using pizza to get people to vote? Um, absolutely a good cause.
Though Pizza to the Polls was born from an anti-Trump PAC, Duncombe stresses there’s no political affiliation attached to the initiative. “It’s for everyone who’s there: voters, poll workers, volunteers. We’re just trying to bring a little bit of joy to people waiting to vote.”
Now you really have no excuse not to go vote. ?