This Log Poops And Pees In The Spirit Of Christmas
by ilana_gordon, 9 years ago |
3 min read
And you thought your holiday traditions were crappy.
In America, the days and weeks preceding Christmas are marked by familiar traditions: Kids write lengthy letters to Santa and count down the days using Advent calendars. Parents prepare by baking cookies for friends and family. But in Catalonia, an autonomous region in Spain, the process of preparing for Christmas is 100% more violent and scatological. Enter Caga Tió, the “shit log.” The tradition begins on the evening of December 8th, with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a public holiday celebrating Mary’s preservation from original sin. On this night, Catalonian families assemble their version of a Yule log, called Tió de Nadal. The log consists of a hollow wooden block propped up on stick legs. It’s decorated with a smiley face and adorned with a blanket to keep him warm. On his head he wears a jaunty red woolen beret, called a barretina, which is traditionally worn as a symbol of Catalan identity. Every night until Christmas Eve, Catalonian children approach the log, offering him an assortment of food and drink (usually vegetables, nuts and water) in an effort to jumpstart the log’s digestive tract. The payoff comes on Christmas Eve, when the children, armed with sticks, surround the log and literally beat the shit out of him. When the abuse is complete, the children retreat to their bedrooms to pray for a plentiful haul, while their parents hide presents and candies underneath the log’s blanket.
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