This App Makes It Easy To Find The Scenic Route

Walk your way to the most breathtaking sites in the world.
We’ll let you in on a little secret—fall is the best time of year to take a road trip. Tourist attractions are less crowded, you no longer have to worry about sitting in traffic (especially if your air conditioner is busted) and the scenery is simply stunning. Well, this season, instead of taking a drive to see trees in their colorful glory, why not ditch the car and walk?

The Walkonomics app promises to help you make the most out of any jaunt by directing you to the most nature-filled paths in the area—even if you decide to take a trip to a major city. The app uses city data and location-tagged photos to determine the most scenic route for commuters, so plan on snapping a few Instas along the way.
Walkonomics is available for both iOS and Android and is constantly adding new cities to its roster.