The Dope-Ass History Of Lady Pirates
by dose, 9 years ago |
7 min read
China’s Madame Ching commanded the largest fleet of any pirate — male or female — in history. ⚔
While Halloween costume fads come and go based on what makes the news and the box office each year, the pirate remains a perennial favorite, especially after the blockbuster success of Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” films. In fact, among over-35s who’ll rock the party this year, the pirate costume is the most popular after the witch, says the National Retail Federation.
Sayyida al-Hurra
The governor of the Moroccan city of Tétouan on the northern tip of Africa, Sayyida al-Hurra (c. 1492–1552) is often included in lists of lady pirates, but historians aren’t sure if that’s accurate. Her name means “noble lady,” and has referred to many other prominent women in the Muslim world. What we do know is that Moroccans back then were viciously fighting off the Portuguese, who had strangled their ancient trade routes and sacked and occupied their cities. That resistance included the use of Andalusian privateers, who raided Portuguese shipping lanes in the Western Mediterranean. Al-Hurra may well have approved of these tactics.
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
Most of our sartorial ideas about pirates come from the Golden Age of Piracy, from 1650 to 1725 in the Americas. It was the time of Blackbeard and “Calico” Jack Rackam (fashionably depicted by Johnny Depp in “Pirates of the Caribbean”) who created the skull and crossbones flag, the Jolly Roger. Charles Johnson writes of two female pirates from this time. Historians aren’t sure his accounts are accurate, but their lives—whether totally factual or embellished—make for some thrilling storytelling. Anne Bonny was born in Ireland in 1700 and moved to Charleston, South Carolina as a young girl. A definite libertine, Anne became enchanted with a pirate named James Bonny, enraging her father, who wanted her to marry a nice medical student. (Typical!) Anne and John eloped to Nassau in the Bahamas, a haven for some 1,500 pirates. Then John tired of the piratical life. A bored Anne haunted local bars, where she met the flamboyant Calico Jack Rackam. She eloped again, and embarked upon a life of piracy, disguised as a man.

“Dogs! If instead of these weaklings I only had some women with me…come up and fight like Men.”

Anne Mills
Another pirate who was clearly as tough as any man, Anne Mills disguised herself as a man and signed as a common sailor on the English frigate Maidstone around 1740, during the War of Austrian Succession, fighting against the French. Boy, did she hate the French. After defeating one enemy in hand-to-hand combat, she “cut off the head of her opponent, as a trophy of victory.” That’s how history will remember her, though she doesn’t really look like she’s attempting a disguise in this famous engraving of her, which shows her wearing a man’s tunic — over a skirt. Oh, well, it’s the severed head that’s really the focal point of this costume choice, anyway.
Ching Shih
A vast fleet of 1,800 ships and 65,000 pirates terrorized China’s sea and rivers under the command of buccaneer king Ching I and his wife, Ching Shih. Madame Ching had been instrumental in building this fleet: In China female pirates fought alongside the men and even commanded ships. When Ching I died in 1807, his widow took command of the fleet, eventually expanding it to 2,000 boats. It was the largest pirate fleet of any pirate — male or female — in history. Madame Ching enforced a strict code of conduct among her crews, forbidding pirates from taking from the communal loot pile, torturing captured women and children—or committing rape. “No pirate may take a woman without her consent, nor wed her without permission of his chief officer. To do so means instant death.”
Do not show me this again