23 Bears Doing People Things. #11 Needs Help.
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
"This looked way bigger in the pictures"

The Bear days of summer.
"Hey you! The guy with the honey. Yes you!"

God, bears can be so awkward.
"I don't know which filter to pick"

This answers the age old question: Does a bear selfie in the woods?"
"Stupid humans always getting lost"

Fact: Polar bears have an excellent sense of direction
"I wonder when Craig's gonna call me"

Craig's an asshole.
"But it ain't no lie. Baby bye bye bye"

He didn't make 'NSync for being an unbearable bad dancer
8 "O shoot I think I know her"

Shelley left sad and disappointed.
"Better put it back before the humans notice"

Bears make lousy garbage men.
"Just a few more minutes"

Bear Grills
"The service in this place is terrible"

The waitress was ursaphobic, so she didn't want to get near.
"I need a four letter word for large forest animal"

He NEVER lets me do the crossword
"They'll never find me here"

Bears suck at hide-and-seek
"Paint me like one of your french girls"

I know Kate Winslet, Kate Winslet is a friend of mine, and you ma'am are no Kate Winslet.
"This is MY spot"

Not pictured: the remains of a man who tried to sit in that chair.
"I finally got a muscle-up"

Little known fact: Bears make good crossfitters.
"I think Larry has a drinking problem."

And this little bear staged an intervention.
"Gotta practice for the big night"

Paw dexterity is a big issue for bears trying to pick up the harp.

Grow. Up.
"Shoot I left the keys at home"

He thinks he's sooooooo cool cause he has a Jet Ski
"That blonde is pretty hot"

Bears have pretty good game when they try.
"It's so hard to work with little kids"

Pandas are usually spotted in touristy places with cameras hanging round their necks
"Do I smell bacon?"

Polar bears make for terrible house guests. One time, this one Polar polar bear stayed with me and he started hibernating. I couldn't get him out of the house for months!

Hope you enjoyed!
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