30 Rare Facts That Will Make You Feel SO Optimistic...I Wish I'd Always Known #5
by N/A, 11 years ago |
6 min read
The world can be a difficult and scary place, but it can also be beautiful and uplifting. Next time you are feeling down in the dumps, remind yourself of these incredible life facts and you'll be feeling better in no time.
1. Cows make best friends and keep them for life.

2. If you make yourself smile, your body releases chemicals that actually make you feel happier.

3. There are window washers who dress up like superheroes and cheer kids up who are in the hospital.

4. The voices of Mickey and Minnie Mouse got married in real life.

5. Hugging can cause the release of oxytocin to your brain, which lowers cholesterol as well as blood pressure.

So when in doubt, hug it out!
6. We are all composed of stardust.

7. There is someone in the world who is having the best day of their entire life today.

8. A group of pugs is called a "Grumble."

9. This is what a baby Giant Panda looks like. It weighs a mere 3-5 oz. and is about 7 inches long.

10. Once, when baby Loggerhead Sea Turtles were struggling to make it to the ocean from the Caribbean Island of Bonaire, volunteers formed a human wall to help them make the journey.

11. Fitzroy river turtles can breathe out of their butts.

12. A group of Flamingos is called a Flamboyance.

13. The 9 Nanas, of Germantown, Tennessee, bake treats for people in need and give them as gifts. They've been doing this for 37 years.

14. Thousands of trees are planted a year as a direct result of forgetful squirrels who can't remember where they hid their nuts.

Thanks, squirrels!
15. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he wanted people to all answer one another by shouting "Ahoy!"

16. There was once a BBC news program that ended, as a joke, about a farm in Switzerland where spaghetti grew on trees, and many people fell for it and actually called in inquiring about spaghetti farming.

17. Jim Cummings, also known as the voice of Winnie the Pooh, has been known to call children in hospitals while in character to give them a boost.

18. Forcing yourself to laugh can effectively lead to real laughter.

19. Quokkas exist and they're insanely happy. It's awesome.

20. At this very instant in time there is a baby somewhere in the world discovering bubbles for the first time.

21. Puffins mate for life...

22. ...and a baby puffin is called a puffling.

23. Otters hold hands in order to keep track of each other while they sleep, so one does not float away.

24. There is a moment when you are born where you are the youngest person on Earth.

25. Even though it's extremely quiet and you need equipment to hear it, rats do laugh when they're tickled.

26. There will ALWAYS be something in life that you haven't tried, no matter how old you get.

27. The Netherlands sends tulips (20,000 bulbs, to be exact) to Canada every year to thank them for their help in WWII.

28. People wrote books and have had dreams about the future with the sort of technology we actually have now.

29. Sometimes boy puppies let girl puppies win when play fighting.

Humans have been known to do this on occasion, as well...
30. Blind people who have never seen a smile still smile when they're happy.

Do not show me this again