9 Things That Prove Chipotle Is Feeding Us Lies. #2 Made Me Cringe
by N/A, 11 years ago |
3 min read
Few people can resist the allure of a Chipotle burrito, but the pleasure might be a whole lot guiltier than you thought. Here is a countdown of the nine worst things Chipotle is telling (or, rather, isn't telling) the public.
9. These alleged grass-feed beef farms in Australia that Chipotle is sourcing its meat from are not being disclosed to the public.

While beef being "grass-fed" looks great on paper, it's actually a super ambiguous term. Without knowing anything about the producers of the beef, there's actually no real way of knowing if it's actually coming from an environmentally friendly source or not.
8. Those emotionally charged commercials you've seen are about as based in fact as the Harry Potter series.

For one thing, the process of meat production enacted by Chipotle is very much industrial. For another, their ad implies that Chipotle does not use GMOs in their food, but their competitors do. The truth is the exact opposite of that.
7. Chipotle uses clever rhetoric to skirt around the fact that the welfare of the animals their meat comes from is still very much a secret.

"Naturally raised" and "responsibly" grown meat are not terms that are in any way recognized by government bodies. No food producers operate under these terms. It is a device Chipotle uses to trick customers in a way that doesn't force them to explicitly tell them anything.
6. Chipotle has plenty of American producers they could choose from to work with but they continue to use this Australian imported beef exclusively.

CEO Steve Ells claims that there aren't enough resources to pair with US producers, but multiple producers and others involved in the field have jumped to say that this does not appear to be the case. The
5. Chipotle talks a big talk about how food shouldn't travel far, to keep it fresh...but all of its food has to travel through Chicago to be processed, sometimes making a several thousand mile journey.

Communications director Chris Arnold claims that this is in order to maintain consistency between all the products...but it still seems VERY contradictory, don't you think?
4. Chipotle uses GMOs and trans fat in their food.

Both of these were discovered on a list of ingredients Chipotle published in 2013—a move that was heavily resisted by the company.
3. The "Cultivating Thought" campaign backed by Chipotle, a supposedly "Mexican Grill," features not one single Mexican, or Latino, writer.

All 10 of the writers are American: George Saunders, Toni Morrison, Sarah Silverman, Sheri Fink, Malcolm Gladwell, Bill Hader, Michael Lewis, Steven Pinker, Jonathan Safran Foer and Judd Apatow.
2. Chipotle doesn't do all of its cooking itself. Who does? The same company that makes Big Macs and McRibs.

OSI and Miniat Holdings are the two companies in Chicago that do much of the preparation for Chipotle's food. OSI is also responsible for much of McDonald's food prep.
1. The average entry-level Chipotle employee starts at $21,000 per year...but their two CEOs make a combined $49.5 million.

David Gelles of The New York Times pointed out that an employee would have to work over 1,000 times in a year to reach their CEOs' pay.
Do not show me this again