No, These Kids Aren't Just Playing. They're Using Technology To Save Their Own Lives
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Schools shootings are much too prevalent in the United States for educators, lawmarkers and the general public to ignore. There are many school security issues that must be addressed, so that we can ensure that our children are being adequately protected. A recent study shows that 28 individuals have been killed in 44 school shootings since the Newton School incident. And shockingly, there were 13 school shootings in only the first 6 weeks of 2014.
One company, called ProTecht, realizes the urgent need to protect children (as well as faculty memebers) in schools. They've created a device called the "Bodyguard Blanket," made of bulletproof material, in hopes of shielding our children in the midst of a school shooting.
Steve Walker was inspired to create this protective device after tragedies like Sandy Hook and recent tornado occurrences.

Walker described it as being able to "stop that blunt-force trauma," from bullet and/or rubble.

The blanket is made with straps so that it can be worn much like a backpack. It also includes lightweight padding used for ballistic armor.

What's even better is that the Bodyguard Blankets are much cheaper than tornado shelters and don't require the children to have to evacuate the classroom in the case of an emergency.

ProTecht hopes that many schools will adopt their device and incorporate it into their emergency protocol, especially if it can help minimize the risk to our children.

If it means keeping our children safe during the school day, anything is worth trying. Spread the word and help get our children protected!
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