Designer Gowns Are Helping Hospitalized Teens Feel Like Themselves Again
"This gown lets me be who I am outside the hospital, outside my illness"
For hospitalized teens, there's nothing good about wearing a hospital gown.

The bland uniformity of their day-to-day uniforms are especially restricting to vibrant and independent teens trying to form their own identities and personalities.
Starlight Children's Foundation took this issue to heart and teamed up with top designers to create hospital gowns as unique as the patients who wear them.

Ward + Robes brought 100 newly designed gowns packed with personality to a hospital in Ontario and the positive reactions were overwhelming.

"When I first saw the new gowns, I saw empowerment in teenagers in a place where they don't have any,"

"I feel like myself in it, how I'm supposed to feel in it"

The Foundation is working to bring even more unique gowns to hospitalized teens everywhere.

You can donate to the cause here, and if you're a particularly creative type, you can even design your own gown.