Genius Snaps From The Best Accounts On The Web
These snaps are so good they will last forever in our hearts and minds — no need for a screenshot.
1. This angel begging "Mildred" for her hand.

2. When it gets too honest

*cries in the corner*
3. This reminder of how hard life can be

This is really messed up.
4. This girl's mother having some tech trouble

Seriously mom?
5. This snap that is the perfect marriage of Shakespeare and Ke$ha

Sorry Shakespeare.
6. And this sacrilege to Michaelangelo's masterpiece.

But damn is it on point. Sorry, David.
7. This Harry Potter spotting

Damn. Life is hard these days, really.
8. This guy and his weird artistic skills

Bob Ross and MS Paint, good heavens.
9. This snap that delivers all the feels

10. This snap that is high-inducing

11. This hot and steamy...barbecue sauce

Lordy, lordy.
12. When you want to socialize but alcohol is a no-no

This is clever.
13. How-to guide when mom adds you on Snapchat.

What a momma's boy.
14. A not-so-good morning snap

15. A perfect comparison caught on a snap

This is too damn accurate!
16. When bae is upset with you during a drive

"What is it now, Carly?"
17. When a snap gets deep

We need answers to life's deepest questions.
18. This guy who caught an alien on camera

That was a close encounter.
19. This cat who has become one with the bag

20. This pasta who is a little out of place.

Good pun though.
21. And finally, this snap that sums up my life goals

This is honestly my plan.