Hello, Dream Job! The Smithsonian Is Looking For A Beer Historian
Does my beer belly count as a reference?
"Aaah yes. I taste hops and malt and...is that cash money?"

Beer nerds rejoice! Instead of annoying all your friends with sour ale snobbery or droning on about how you'd be the best "Drunk History" guest, you can finally put your IPA opinions toward a respectable occupation. The Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. is hiring an official beer historian to "conduct archival and field research" on the American brewing industry. That's code for traveling around drinking lots of beer, right?
While the job posting states that "the successful candidate will have proven experience in scholarly research, organizing and conducting oral history interviews, writing for both scholarly and general audiences, and knowledge of material culture and archival materials," we're thinking a lifetime of drinking has got to count for something.
This three-year appointment, which pays over $64k plus benefits, is sure to inspire hordes of college kids to switch their majors to history. For those of you lucky enough to already have an advanced degree in American business, brewing, food, cultural or other specialization within history, the deadline to apply is August 10.
For the rest of us schmos, it's still worth a shot. I will be listing my my beer belly as a reference because if that's not proof of experience I don't know what is.