5 Vacations That Prove You Don't Need To Be A Millionaire To Travel Like One
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Being worldly is awesome, but who the hell can afford it?
These days, unless you're a 65-year-old retiree with a hefty pension to blow or a 20-something, trust fund hipster trying to "find themselves," travel to anywhere that isn't your state's "historic" pioneer village can seem like a financial impossibility.
Fortunately, for those of us with big travel ambitions and tiny wallets, the world is getting smaller every day, and, with a little research, travel, even to some of the world's most exotic destinations isn't as expensive as you might think.
Have you been dreaming of an international vacation instead of taking one? Well, here are five you can actually afford.
1. A beach-side stay at Anantara Hua Hin Resort, Thailand

Need a South-East Asian escape that'll take your breath away and leave your piggy bank intact? The Anantara Hua Hin Resort just south of Bangkok has everything you need. Take in gorgeous views of the Gulf of Thailand, a world-class golf course, daily morning yoga and, of course, spa access. You can book it all here for under $200 a night.
I'll bet you're more relaxed just thinking about it.
2. Trekking for two days through the Atlas Mountains, Morocco

Travelers in search of a more rugged exotic escapade might want to consider a two-day tour of the Moroccan countryside for under $100. You'll ride camels through the northern Sahara, spend a night laid out under the stars, and hike amidst the beautiful vistas of the Atlas Mountains.
Bring your trailblazing boots. This trip takes you well off the beaten path.
3. Touring through the ancient Hindu Temples of Bali, Indonesia

Nestled deep in the jungles of Indonesia, the massive temples of Yogyakarta and Borobudur are among the most gorgeous ancient sites in the world. This two-day trip from Bali to Yogyakarta and back will take you through both, for mere chump change.
300 bucks? Stop breaking the bank with quac and double steak at Chipotle, and you'll have enough saved up in no time.
4. A 6-day tour of basically, all of Sri Lanka

There aren't many countries you can tour entirely in a single visit, but this expedition across the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka will get you pretty close.
You'll spend each night in a different city, and explore cultural heritage sites and spice gardens in between, all while in the care of your personal guide/chauffer. Heaven does exist, and you can get in for less than $500.
5. Spending two days in the remote mountains of Laos

Most people would get enough vacation out of merely taking in the views from the small village of Vang Vien, Laos.
You aren't most people, though. That's why this two day stay complete with a boat trip down the Nam Xong river and some early morning spelunking in the Tham Chang cave is for you, and, for 260 clams, how can you afford NOT to?