Watch Real Women React To The Worst Tinder Pickup Lines Ever
Thanks to Tinder, being single doesn't feel so lonely and miserable anymore! With over 50 million users worldwide, the dating app helps you find a partner for a serious relationship or a casual hook-up with people in your vicinity.
That said, not all Tinder pick-up lines work. Some are horribly awkward and make you regret swiping right. So, here are some creative pick-up lines men have used to lure women into liking them.
See for yourself if these lines would make you swipe right:
Quit playing games with her heart, boy.

This might actually work '90s kids. *swipes right 1000 times*
Sadly, the odds are not in your favor.

Being up front is not the way to go, amigo! I would bet my life that this guy has never gotten a match.
This guy knows every girl’s weakness...

If loving pizza is a crime, then most girls are guilty of it.
I would want to be fired, please.

To whoever said this: My job for you is to quit Tinder because ain’t nobody swipin’ right on that. Now exit to the left!
Shakespeare did not die for this!

Sadly, this poetic pick-up line was a failed attempt.
Nick knows what he wants and Nick knows exactly how he's going to get it.

You have to at least commend the guy for being straightforward with his sexual advances... That's a bonus, I guess?
Now it’s your turn to make the lady a sandwich.

One turkey sandwich with a side of chips, please!
Are you saying that she's only worth a goat?!

I mean goats are life, but seriously? This just makes me cringe.
Cock a doodle nooooooo!

Knowing how to raise a cock is one thing. Learning how to play with a cat is another...
Being compared to Nicolas Cage is just offensive in every possible way.

Does this guy know how many Nicolas Cage memes exist? There's no way this comparison could be taken as a compliment.
Dump this guy. Literally take a dump on him.

Instead of a fart jar, why not give him a pile of sh*t, yeah?
This line will not even land you in the friendzone...

Welcome to the I-won’t-talk-to-you-ever-again-zone! Enjoy!
A jar of Nutella should never be put to waste...

Pizza and Nutella are something us ladies cannot say no to. Guys are just learning to take advantage of those weaknesses!
Want to hear more hilarious Tinder lines girls have to suffer through? Watch here: