Pokemon Go Might Be Coming To Westeros
Pokemon Go has only been available for a month, but the world is already Pokemon-obsessed. The need to catch ‘em all has prompted people to make friends with strangers and form Pokemon hunting groups. That's why when somebody asks me what Pokemon Go is all about (believe me, there are still people out there who don’t know), I always say that its main contribution to the world is forcing everyone to get out of their houses to walk for hours, and make friends with people they otherwise wouldn't.
It seems like the company behind Pokemon Go has more bold plans they want to enact, one of which is tackling the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.
Niantic co-founder Archit Bhargava wants an augmented reality version of the hit HBO show, Game of Thrones.

In an interview with Gamespot, Bhargava says, “For us, we’re really trying to create the genre of real-world gaming. No one’s really done this in a way that we were all excited about. It’s all about getting people moving, getting them exploring the world around them. My personal fantasy is like a Game of Thrones game where Westeros is mapped out on Earth and you join House Stark or whatever.”
Pretty sure we’d all love to see direwolves running around the yard, however...

Pokemon Go is simple in its format: you catch cute little critters and battle. But Game of Thrones deals with a more convoluted plot, acts of violence, countless people both dead and alive, and so on. One has to wonder how Niantic can make an augmented reality version of the Seven Kingdoms even remotely well.
Add to the fact that Pokemon Go has experienced a number of crashing servers, and it hasn’t been released globally yet!

Other people have already created guides to help you catch that Pokemon every time due to a glitch. I can only imagine how many times Game of Thrones will lag or crash because of the level of detail involved.
There are other, easier ideas for AR universes, like Harry Potter's world or Middle Earth.

We’d probably all gobble it up like how we did with Pokemon Go, no matter how many glitches may arise.
I just want to know who would voluntarily put themselves in House Bolton.