Watch The Guy Who Played Darth Maul Wow Live Audience With Epic Moves
Seventeen years after the release of Star Wars Episode 1, he's still got it!
Ray Park, who played Darth Maul all those years ago, has come back to show us how it's done.

Now it's your turn to see it. He also played Toad in X-Men (2000) and Snake eyes in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009), so how could we ever doubt his action abilities?
Here, watch this video —
Ray Park introduced the seven-part Star Wars marathon at El Capitan Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard with some impressive moves.
Even with Kylo Ren's lightsaber, he was awesome!

But we sure would like to see him again with his OG lightsaber!
Ray Park is just too cool.

The host handed him Kylo Ren's lightsaber and he didn't hesitate to show the audience how a lightsaber should be handled.
That last pose...

Only a true Jedi or Sith Lord could pull that off!