Finally, You Can Do Your Housework While You Work Out
Washing laundry is the newest way to get your ideal body.
Students at Dalian Nationalities University in China have developed a device that cleans your laundry while you exercise.
The equipment looks and works like your regular stationary bike, but with an added feature. The front "wheel," the drum, has a space to place your dirty clothes. The drum rotates as you pedal, which then powers the washing machine. That allows you to exercise and do laundry done in one sitting!
What's more is that the power produced while you exercise is more than what's needed for one washing cycle. That's what the smaller wheel is for. The excess power generated after your workout is stored for future use.

What do you think?
An appliance that gets you fit while getting housework done, all while generating electricity you can store for future use, is definitely a win in my book!