Statement Ear Crawlers Are Our New Favorite Jewelry Obsession
Mmmm, ear candy!
Ear climbers, ear crawlers, ear them what you will, this inventive new style has kicked our accessory game up several notches. Trendier than hoops, more exciting that studs, and 100% less likely to snag on something than dangly chandeliers, these artsy adornments take up a good deal of earlobe real estate, drawing more attention to your sassy mug. *Hear* are our favorites, for every occasion. 👂 🍭
If you want something light as a feather...

Feather ear climber: $12
...or solid as a rock.

Gala ear crawler: $38
Straight as an arrow...

...or something slightly more bent.

Triangle ear jacket: $16
Show off your name...

...your zodiac sign...

Aries Zodiac Ear Climber: $17.45
...your favorite constellation...

...or even your favorite molecule.

Whether you're feeling fresh as a daisy...

Daisy ear crawler: $17
...sunny and simple...

...or ready to take flight...

Mohawk ear duo: $42
...crawl out of your shell with these statement ear climbers.

Python ear wrap: $59