These Pimple Cupcakes Cross The Line Between Gross And Delicious
This article should have a "Not Safe For Eating" warning, but oddly enough these pimple cupcakes are edible...and delicious!
I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Let me be honest: I am a big fan of those pimple popping videos you see around the Internet. And if you are like me, there is a big chance that you know Dr. Sandra Lee a.k.a Dr. Pimple Popper. If you are not familiar, she is this awesome dermatologist that posts pimple, blackhead and zit popping videos.
Those videos are amazing!
Don't ask me why I love them — they're just...satisfying!
The owner of this bakeshop called Blessed by Cake happens to also work at Dr. Sandra Lee's clinic.
Knowing Dr. Lee and how she loves to associate pimple popping with food, this baker made her a special treat.
Behold, the pimple cupcake.
I think...I want one!
As expected, Dr. Pimple Popper herself was happy with the baked gift.
Poppaholics unite!
It just looks so realistic!
Almost too real! Almost.
But here's the real deal, you can squeeze this zit-looking treat and it totally looks like popping pimple!
Watch the video!
I don't know, this is the part that we say "gross" and I'm here so amazed.
I know, that was intense. Here, check out some cake pops.
If you still have any appetite left, that is.