Admit It, You Just Can't Quit These 10 Silly Habits
Does pressing the remote harder actually help bring it back to life?
1. Hitting save more than twice.

Of course it's just right. Do it twice, even thrice to make sure the document is saved. Who'd want to lose hours of work?
But do you really have to click Ctrl+S twice successively, milliseconds in between?
2. Clearing the calculator more than necessary.

Because we're really scared the previous computations will mess up the new figures.
3. Checking the fridge mere minutes after you've decided that there's nothing there you want to eat.

And you do this over and over until you settle with the mysterious jar at the back.
4. Pressing hard on the remote thinking it will magically make the TV work again.

Channel that energy into buying new batteries!
5. Keys? Check! Phone? Check! Wallet? Check! Repeat infinite times.

You've already established that you're all set, yet you continue that pat-checking routine before stepping out the door, after you've gotten out the door, before getting in the car and when you're inside the car.
6. Clicking tongs over and over again.
Tongs need the extra workout so they can lift the food!
7. Suspenseful peeking behind the shower curtains pre-shower, mid-shower and before stepping out.

We've all watched too many horror movies!
8. Hitting the lock button again and again.

Because one beep is not reassuring enough.
9. Checking the sent folder right after clicking the send button.

The email prompt might have lied, better make sure.
10. Playing with the straw long after you've finished your drink.

Or seeing your glass empty but you continue sucking the straw anyway. Because it ain't over until you hear that gurgling sound.
How many of these habits are you guilty of?