These 20 Pieces Of Street Art Will Make You Concerned About Climate Change
Are you a fan of street art and environmentally-conscious artists? Check out these urban installations made from recycled materials.
Artur Bordalo aka Bordalo II, a renowned street artist from Portugal, came up with a magnificent way to draw attention and awareness to environmental problems such as pollution and waste production and its effects on the planet. This collection of his work depicts nature in modern times and the current state of our environment.
The artworks, which are made to resemble various endangered animals, are created from the materials that are responsible for the species' destruction — most are from abandoned factories and wastelands. Bordalo firmly believes that his art will help spread environmental and ecological awareness.
A big salute to you, Mr. Bordalo!
How many of these magnificent animals are left in the wild?

Really, how many? The real thing, that is.
A little creepy, huh?

What you should really fear is the disappearance of these creatures. If you don't see one in your house, yard or hood, you have reason to be concerned that they may disappear forever.
This is somewhat alarming...

Why? Because it would be better if on a regular day, we step out of our houses and see an actual parrot perched on a tree.
Magnificent, but...

If you are living outside of Florida, this would be a good addition to your neighborhood.
Seems like you only see these beauties in bowls nowadays.

Here you get a glimpse of the artist with his giant friends.
Yup, you would stare too.

Look at that! It reminds you of the feeling you got when seeing a real one when you were a kid, huh?
Look at Bordalo in the midst of making one of his creations.

All his hard word pays off.
And now we see the results of all his hard toil.

What a sight to behold.
This critter is camouflaged in its natural habitat.

We're pretty sure you won't be able to catch this one in the wild, though.
This piece is dripping in awesomeness!

The colors used in this installation are just incredible.
Those eyes are almost staring into your soul.

Have a heart. Help save endangered species.
This is definitely a tearjerker piece.

Even your local park doesn't seem to have as many ducklings as your remember from your childhood.
You can almost hear the chirps coming from this massive, recycled cricket piece.

Soon entire cities won't be able to hear those chirps anymore.
The savannah has been transported to a wall near you.

Okay, maybe not the entire savannah — but a majestic creature native to it.
Now, this one you must pay attention to.

Bees! We need to help repopulate them!
This installation offers a great commentary on climate change.

Our cute penguin friends are in trouble.
This! This says it all...

One of the biggest causes of our current ecological problems — overfishing — must be combatted.
Imagine a future where ladybugs become half-machine, half-organic monsters.

We'll be wishing we had been better to our planet then, huh?
The future of our planet is as murky as these waters.

Bordalo created this by incorporating the tides. Genius!
Take some inspiration from this metalwork.

Industrialization may drive these creatures away soon.
Be as alert about climate change as this bunny.

Keep your ears and eyes open. Make a change.