Japan Lost In The World Cup, But What Their Fans Did With Trash Bags Afterwards Is Inspiring
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
The 2014 FIFA World Cup has already proven to be a great display of athleticism, and will without a doubt continue to broadcast amazing feats from the talented athletes facing up against one another. There are moments, however, that go way beyond athleticism, and are equally impressive.
When Japan finished their game with the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) team, they walked away with a loss—but their fans' reactions were pretty inspiring.
This is the Japan National Team. They entered the 2014 World Cup hopeful, just like the teams from all the other countries represented.

Japan's first game, however, did not go according to plan, and they were beaten by the Ivory Coast team.

#10 Gervinho and #11 Didier Drogba celebrate as their team coasts to victory over Japan.
For many fans, this would have been a crushing blow, and they would have left in bad spirits. But the Japanese cheering section did something very different.

Many of them got trash bags and started cleaning up the stadium!

In the face of defeat, the Japanese cheering section took the high road.

Photos were posted all of the web, because bystanders were shocked and impressed by this positive display by the fans of the team that just lost.

It just goes to show you can always be a good sport, even when your team didn't play the way you wanted them to.

We can all learn something from these Japanese fans!
Do not show me this again