19 Weird Toy Mashups. How Is Hello Kitty + KISS A Thing?
We mashup songs, combine dishes of different ethnicities and we love it when Family Guy and The Simpsons cross over, so why not also do it with toys? Like food, some goes perfectly, and some are missed the target by thiiiis much.
1. Hello Kitty x KISS

Rock on, Kitty! Even if you're drop dead cute and innocent, KISS will make you edgy AF.
2. Transformers x Nike

Shut up! Why the hell would you do this? Weird level: High. Can you even wear it?
3. Star Wars x Transformers

Master Yoda as a Transformer. I guess it can't be worse than the fight scene at the end of Episode II
4. Gundam x 7-11

Dear 7-11, Keep selling slurpies and only slurpies. Thanks.
5. Potato Head x Kiss

Who knew KISS sold out this much?
6. Potato Head x Walter White

Want some meth? Just pop open my butt.
7. Transformers x Playstation

You can play with it AND you can play with it.
8. Hello Kitty x Mazinger Z

Hello Kitty has been experimenting with a lot of weird things lately.
9. Ghost Busters x Ninja Turtles

This is what every 80s-90s kid dreamed of. We want more!
10. Big Mac x Creepy E

Nope, nope, nope!
Burger with a brain? Fuck that.
11. Star Trek x Transformers

Dope! This one is a yay.
12. Star Wars x Mickey Mouse

Jedi Mickey. It was only a matter of time before Disney put their greedy mouse-mittens all over the Star Wars Universe.
13. Ninja Turtle x Hello Kitty

Ok Hello Kitty, we need to have a talk. WTF is wrong with you?
14. Star Trek x Ninja Turtles

I always suspected Mike was just a redshirt in the waiting.
15. Thomas The Tank Engine x Transformers

It's a toy that grows along with your toddler.
16. Pikachu x The Simpsons

What twisted nightmare did this come from?