15 Everyday Struggles Of A Picky Eater
Eating healthy sucks. If you never outgrew your Chicken McNuggets and Fries phase, you might relate to some of these.
1. You're having chicken tonight, tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

Chicken is the most tolerable, most delicious thing ever. But only the fried one. Forget chicken curry, teriyaki or other chicken recipes that include other things.
2. You can tell from a mile away if someone's trying to sneak vegetables into your food.

If someone tries to sneak in vegetables in your food, you will know and you will hate them for life.
3. You expect the waiter to hand you a detailed study of the food in the menu.

Why is there always unexpected onions in the food? It didn't say in the menu!
4. Eating out with friends is a hit to your self esteem.

You love them, but you always get this weird questions, judgemental giggles and making you try something and giving you "education" about food and eating.
5. You prefer eating alone. Not the best, but always the safest way, to enjoy your bland meal

This is the life! Not even dipping sauce.
6. Mixing your food is a big no-no.

Food isn't meant to touch! Always keep strange sauces apart from things it doesn't belong to (if you like sauces in the first place). This separation is more sacred than the separation of church and state.
7. You eat the same food over and over again and that is completely okay

Never mind if the nutrition I get is from the same kind of food. It doesn't matter, rather than going a bit adventurous and trying new things that can possibly ruin your meal time.
8. You need a full report on any food you did not prepare

Because seriously, how awful is it when you're biting into something and some vile ingredient found its way into the food? Damn it. You know what I'm talking about.
9. You love pizza. But only if it's plain cheese or pepperoni

Basically. it's just pepperoni or cheese pizza, nothing else. Or you are this crazy type who will try to pick out olives, mushrooms, and tomatoes one by one on the pizza. Yes, you have time for that.
10. Having dinner at your significant other's house is a literal nightmare

As if it's not stressful enough, then you see what's on the menu, and the only safe thing to eat is mashed potatoes. You panic and try to eat something, fake an allergy, or fake an accident to come home early.
God, it is stressful.
11. Travels abroad are stressful. Especially if you don't have anyone to tell you what's in the food

Shut up, Anthony Bourdain! Also where is the nearest McDonald's? You can always count on a Big Mac.
12. The most appetizing food for others is the most disgusting for you.

Ugh. The most appetizing things to you are fries, plain fries. Plain food, plain everything.
13. You're familiar with the special order sticker. At every.freaking.restaurant.

And it's great when the cashier doesn't need to ask you cause she memorized your order already.
14. This is your favorite menu.

You will eat this forever.
15. The hardest question you can be asked is: What do you wanna eat?

"I don't know, anything."