All You Need Is One Lemon And A Blender To Make This No-Squeeze Lemonade
When life gives you lemons, just throw the whole thing in the blender and go.

Nothing says summer quite like a refreshing glass of lemonade. But struggling with a juicer and inevitably shooting lemon juice directly into your eye is a lot to go through for a frosty beverage. So, instead of burning your retinas out, opt for this super simple (and surprisingly delicious) lemonade recipe that uses the whole lemon. Yes, the whole lemon, peel and all.
And for those who would rather read:

1. Scrub your lemon (you will be using the whole thing, after all!)
2. Cut off the ends and then cut into four quarters
3. Remove the pith (fleshy white stuff in the middle) and the seeds
4. Cut each quarter in half again
5. Combine the lemon pieces, a handful of ice, 2 cups of water and 3 tablespoons of sugar
6. Blend together for at least 1 minute
7. (Optional) Strain to remove any pulp
Then just turn on the Beyoncé and drink up!