This Obese Dog's Transformation Is Diet Goals For All Of Us
This is the weight loss transformation of the year.
This dog is an inspiration to us all.
We often see incredible transformation pictures of obese people, but it turns out not all success diet stories are from humans. Some are from our pets.
Meet Kale Chips, an obese beagle that came under the care of One Tail at a Time in Chicago after his elderly owner couldn't take care of him anymore.
So this is Kale Chips!

His name is a bit ironic, given his weight. But the people at One Tail at a Time gave him the name as a way to give him a fresh start on being healthy.
This fella weighed 85 pounds when he first arrived at One Tail at a Time.
Because of his weight, Kale Chips couldn't walk much and had to be wheeled around.

This was when the Animal center came to get Kale Chips.
He became obese because his elderly owner who had memory problems was consistently overfeeding him.

There are some reports that the previous owner had dementia and kept on forgetting that he was fed already. That's probably every dog's dream, but the end results are not so good.
Because of his condition, the animal center put him on a strict diet and a goal of losing 1 pound a week.

That surely was tough for Kale Chips, but with new friends around and care from the center, he managed well.

In cases likes this, friends are a big help.
Along with the diet, Kale Chips took daily walks and went swimming for exercise.

So with the diet plan, exercise, and great help from new friends, Kale Chips eventually started to lose weight.

And it all worked out! Kale Chips got slimmer and slimmer.

And this is Kale Chips now! Healthy and very active.

I know, I can't believe my eyes either.
Kale Chips is now only 44 pounds!

Good boy!
One Tail at a Time, the animal center who took care of Kale Chips during his transformation, is so happy for the dog's success.

Good job One Tail at a Time! They did an amazing job and have for sure grown to love him so much.
But there's a better surprise: Kale Chips is now adopted!

And he has a lot of siblings from his new human Mom and Dad.
So from a dog who would break the scales and couldn't even walk, Kale Chips now an active, healthy dog!

Good job Kale Chips!
This transformation is one for the books.