New Feline Wine Lets You Get Crunk With Your Kitty
Does this mean I can take my cat to the bar now? Or did the bar just become my bed?

As if your cat wasn't already your favorite drinking buddy, there is now wine for cats. That's right—no more sad nights drinking alone and complaining to your feline friend. Now you can pour your pet a glass of Apollo Peak's Pinot Meow or MosCATo and get ready to dish!
Despite the seemingly alcoholic names, beverages from America's first feline wine manufacturer are made from organic beet juice infused with organic catnip. Does this mean I can take my cat to the bar now? Or did the bar just become my bed? Either way, my kitty is about to get an earful of juicy happy hour gossip.
Now that it's an option, here are some famous felines we'd like to get drunk with:

1. Grumpy Cat

Even on your worst day, Grumpy Cat feels your pain.
2. Colonel Meow

When you fall down drunk, Colonel Meow's fluffy coat is there to catch you.
3. Snoopy the Cat

With eyes like that, Snoopy will have you spilling your deepest darkest secrets before round two.
4. Lil Bub

Lil Bub would laugh—or wheeze—at all your lame jokes.
5. Maru

Give Maru a bottle of Rosé and a Golden Girls marathon and get ready to cuddle in a cardboard box.
6. Garfield

The ideal drinking buddy, Garfield wants to get sloshed, bitch about Mondays and hit up a 24-hour Italian diner for some late-night lasagna. Just don't invite Odie—he's a buzzkill.