This Makeup Artist Transformed Herself Into Your Favorite 'GOT' Character
The ruler of the seven kingdoms wields a foundation brush instead of a sword.
"Game of Thrones" is one of the most popular, yet confusing shows on television. No matter who you think should be ruling Westeros (ahem, #TeamKhaleesi), one thing is undeniable: Jon Snow is quite the looker. Ol' dude has been through a lot and despite the fact that he's just returned from the dead, he's as handsome as ever. Dubai-based face and body painter Alicia Goveas loves the forgotten Stark just as much as you do. That's why she decided to turn herself into the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and set your heart ablaze.
She starts out by giving herself the nearly-dead pallor Snow is known for.

All that time near The Wall has made the beloved Night's Watchman quite pale.
Bushy brows and a scraggly beard help to bring it all together.

The Lord Commander's signature curls help to complete the look.

She's a back from the dead dead ringer for Jon Snow.
Too soon?
Check out the video to see how she made the complete transformation.