17 Bad Ideas These People Should've Thought Twice About... #10 Should Take Her Own Advice
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, but maybe they should've thought it out first.
This headstand that was poorly executed:

This girl who learned that playing volleyball indoors can be dangerous:

This genius who realized that it's probably just easier to squeeze the ketchup bottle instead:

This man who will probably take the stairs from now on:

These sisters who will never trust their little brother ever again:

This guy who's whole persona is a bad idea:

This girl who just unknowingly paid for numerous purchases:

This restaurant who should've thought twice about having a window-view of the pool:

These guys who just got a DUI for driving a three-car cooler train:

This girl who didn't use spellcheck before getting her tattoo:

This failed romantic gesture:

This little boy who just had the worst first-kiss:

Whoever thought this combination was a good idea:

This kid who thought that he could get away in time:

Whenever Starbucks didn't think about putting their logo on a van with sliding doors:

This University whose students were brutally honest:

This dad of the year who shouldn't have purchased his toddler such a fast vehicle:

Do not show me this again