17 Famous Company Logos Then and Now
These logos went through some drastic changes.
The logo is the face of a company.
Kinda like your profile picture on Facebook that you always update and change to the best photo that you got. Companies spend a lot of time and money on planning and putting up the best logo for their company. Some didn't change a lot, but these sure did.

So Facebook is originally named [thefacebook]. Yes, enclosed in brackets.

Shell was too literal back then.

I guess McDonald's started as a barbecue place.
Mozilla Firefox

So... it wasn't a firefox before?

Kwanon. Right.

Apple went totally minimalist.
Procter & Gamble

This is really interesting. P&G actually went a lot of changes in terms of logo design. This is the very first one, followed by the half moon and star design which gathered a lot of controversy.

The first logo is based on the owner's family coat of arms. It evolved to the known birds nesting logo.
Burger King

Oh, that's why it's called Burger King.

The first "Playboy" is indeed v. naughty.

That's plain and simple, coke.

The first Pepsi logo looks a bit like the new coke logo.

Now this one made it to the news. Some loved it, some did not.

That first logo is really descriptive.

So, Twitter was initially slime.

Nokia had a fish on its logo. Interesting.

The Starbucks lady is more conservative now than before.