Burger King's Newest Menu Item May Be The Most Disgusting Food Mashup Ever
In classic Burger King fashion, it looks and sounds terrible.
Someone probably needs to check in on Burger King, because they've gone off the deep end.
For decades, Burger King has been the last choice for desperate hungry motorists. Nobody has ever actually liked Burger King, but when it's dark on a strange highway and there's no McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC or even a Taco Bell in sight, Burger King becomes the last resort. Hell, I'd even opt for a repulsive Long John Silver's fish sandwich over a Whopper.
Burger King is like the less smart, less talented younger brother you can't help but feel sorry for. Since they're constantly being overshadowed, they have to resort to radical marketing ploys and weird, off-the-wall menu items to get attention.
The latest in li'l bro BK's crazy menu items? The "Whopperrito."
This is basically the question on everyone's mind.
V. important note: it's spelled "Whopperrito," not "whopperito," okay Twitter?
Food Beast recently spotted a promotional poster of the Whopperrito, and of course a collective "WTF?" ensued.
For now, the Whopperrito is only being sold at select locations in Pennsylvania, and there are no plans to expand it to other stores. You can totally have it your way, as long as your way is diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and you live in Pennsylvania.
Here's what the Whopperrito really looks like.

Foodbeast also posted this photo, noting the Whopperrito didn't taste nearly as bad as it looks. I'm still skeptical.
Will the Whopperrito just be another product in the long line of weird Burger King food items that totally fail to live up to the hype?

Probably, yes.
Some people are game to try a Whopperrito.
But they still feel the need to apologize for it, so I'm not sure what that says.
Others seem to match my own reaction.
Chances aren't good that you'll ever be able to taste one anyway, but here's to hoping, I guess.