These 18 Pics Confirm You're Weird AF, And So Is Everyone Else
"Am I the only weird one around here?" Dude, no.
We always talk about uniqueness and how we do stuff that others don't.
But I am pretty sure that being some kind of weird is a bit common. I don't know if it makes us less weird or it is a relief that we are not the only crazy ones here.
1. When you do some shopping

Damn! One of the reasons why I don't go to designer stores.
2. When praying

Praying and randomly thinks about cursing someone. *smile* *repeat*
3. Post-tripping on something

I so do this.
4. On how you spend your weekends

5. Using headphones

When I see someone I know on the train I put headphones and pretend I am sleeping.
6. Beauty blogger feels

I think I want to start a YouTube channel.
7. Careful, tongue. Careful...

Or just don't talk to that person.
8. Satan's shower

Shower knobs are from hell.
9. Dealing with sexy movie scenes

I am on panic mode every time this happens. Gosh.
10. When you do projects

Who does their project ahead of time? Duh.
11. Netflix and food

You ain't playing, I ain't eating.
12. The "eyes are bigger than your stomach" moment

I swear I do this at parties, and I don't care about my poor little stomach.
13. The ankle socks struggle

Because ankle socks are not a thing in the past. It's more of a DIY project.
14. On texting

I just can't wait until that someone checks their phone.
15. When trying to be nice

Because life is out to get you.
16. When you have a cold

The face of regret.
17. That voice you do

You just did, didn't you?
18. Using your phone to bail yourself out

Because you can't handle the awkwardness.