This Parrot May Have Witnessed A Murder & What He's Saying Is Bone Chilling
Move over, Ace Ventura. There's a new pet detective in town.

A 19-year-old African gray parrot named Bud may have the answers prosecutors have been looking for in the murder of his owner, Martin Duram.
In May 2015, Duram was fatally shot five times in his Michigan home. His wife, Glenna Duram was also shot in the head, but survived. Initially, police considered Glenna as a victim of the shooting until Bud's new owner noticed he started saying a phrase that was bone chilling.
"Don't f*cking shoot!"

Bud's owner (and Martin Duram's first wife) Christina Keller claims the bird repeats what she believes were Martin's last words. In addition to the explicative phrase said in Martin's voice, Christina hears what she believes is the voice of Martin arguing with a woman, possibly Glenna Duram.

To make things even crazier, police records reveal that Glenna wrote three suicide notes for her family members, but she has no recollection of writing them. Glenna even claims she didn't remember the shooting, but only waking up in the hospital. With that evidence, the case has shifted from a attempted double murder to an attempted murder suicide.
The county prosecutor says he will not be using the parrot in court simply because there's no evidence that the parrot heard this phrase directly from Martin Duram at his time of death.
I'm no detective, but a lot of this information sounds a bit fishy.

Get it? Because pet detective?
Check out Bud in action courtesy of woodTV.