Get Ready, Adults, You're About To Get Your Own 'Catbus' To Play On
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Anyone familiar with the classic anime "My Neighbor Totoro" knows about the Catbus which is just literally that; a giant cat who also happens to be a bus. Catbus is a 12-legged cat who has a hollow body that you can ride around in in the movie. Well for a long time there's been a version of the Catbus at the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, Japan that was for children only. Well soon even adults will get a chance to get inside a giant cat, if that's what you're into.
This is Catbus. He is, unfortunately, only a cartoon.

Sorry humans, but right now you can't actually ride around in a cat.
There is, however, a giant plush version of Catbus at the Ghibli Museum.

This one is, unfortunately only for stupid kids. Ugh, get out of here kids, there are ADULTS who want to play in the giant fake bus that is also a cat!
Well adults, you're in luck! A new version of the Catbus is on its way just for you.

According to the Japanese website Cinema Today, following some renovations to the museum, a new version of the Catbus will open that will allow adults to climb aboard the terrifying feline/vehicle hybrid. The exhibit opens July 17 and will run until May 2017.