These Two High School Students Tweeted The Most Offensive Promposal Ever
They shouldn't have been allowed to go to prom after this.
Promposals are the high school equivalent to proposals
Promposals are usually exciting, unexpected, and creative ways to ask your high school sweetheart, crush, or best friend to one of high school's most iconic rites of passage.
When you're 16, the person you're going to spend prom with is just as important as the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, so this means there is expectation to go all out.
While most high school students ask with flowers or a decorated locker, this particular individual decided to ask his girlfriend to prom in the most offensive way humanly possible. The worst part? She said yes, "loling" at the promposal and posting pictures to Twitter.
While the Twitter accounts of @khugheesss and @AuthenticAust have since been deleted, like anything on the Internet, screenshots were taken that serve as proof for the unbelievable ignorance displayed by these two students.
Here is a photo of the promposal @khugheesss tweeted before she deleted her account

@AuthenticAust is wearing a burqa holding a sign that says "I know I always wait until the last second but prom would be the bomb with you." @khugheesss is standing by his side smiling holding what appears to be fake sticks of dynamite.
This is one of those photos that you hear about and hope is fake—it's something you have to see to believe. And once you see it, not only are you are in disbelief that people are so ignorant in the year 2016, but are also capable of flaunting their ignorance in a very public way.
Twitter erupted with reactions to the racism

It is bullshit.
This epic fail of a promposal can be summed-up in one word: wrong

We hope that @khugheesss and @AuthenticAust learn from their mistakes and educate themselves on why their promposal was completely inappropriate and out of line.
Though their peers on social media called them out on how racist their offensive stereotyping was, we hope that the two of them come to realize their wrongdoing outside of all the Internet noise.