This Startup Figured Out How To Make Tattoos "Permanent" For A Year
Tattoos don't have to be forever.
The title of 2014 startup Ephemeral Tattoos may seem like an oxymoron since short-lived isn't often used to describe tattoos, but they're saying just what they mean.

The company has developed a way to make "permanent" tattoos temporary by using a special ink formula.

But how does it work?

Traditional ink molecules are too big for our immune system to break down, and on top of that, they have a protective coating that can't be dissolved. But the Ephemeral team developed a new formula that allows the ink molecule's outer shell to degrade after about a year and then your body can naturally discard the ink pigments.
The removal process can also be enhanced by a special removal solution to aid the degradation along.
This groundbreaking system offers the freedom to change your ephemeral tattoo or remove it completely before it would naturally disappear in about year.

And while there are plenty of higher quality temporary tattoos on the market these days

They're a staple of summer festivals and some are even completely customizable.
But ephemeral tattoo's unique solution really allows you to live with a tattoo before deciding what you want permanently permanent on your body.
The company is currently conducting product tests and hopes to be ready for clients in the fall of 2017.
Pricing has not been concretely established, but the CEO estimates an average-sized tattoo will cost $50 - $100.