This Trailer For The Live-Action 'Beauty & The Beast' Will Give You Chills
A tale as old as time—now a live action film!
In case you've been living under a rock, Disney is recreating the classic "Beauty and the Beast" as a live-action film.

Emma Watson will play Belle, in her most-anticipated role since Hermione.

The rest of the cast includes Dan Stevens as the Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston, and Ian McKellen and Ewan McGregor as the always entertaining Cogsworth and Lumiere.
On the monumental morning of May 23, we got our first glimpse into what will be a beautiful movie.

Let me emphasis the teasing nature of this trailer—there really wasn't much to it, but I've still watched it 12 times already.
It opens on a castle.*

*Not to be confused with Hogwarts, of course.
And we get a tour of the empty interior.

But just imagine them dancing in that ballroom 🎶 Tale as old as time, Tune as old as song
And then, Hermione Belle enters

Cogsworth and Lumiere begin meddling the moment they see her.
The music swells; we all get shivers as the theme song plays; and we get a quick glimpse of her curious eyes.

Yep, that's it. Disney really knows how to tease.

Check out the whole thing and cross your fingers for another (less teasing) trailer soon, since we have to wait until March 17, 2017 for the movie itself.