Dancing Dads and Babies Are Literally Melting Our Hearts
I don't know what it is, but hand an average Joe a baby and he turns into Chris Hemsworth.
You've heard of Mommy and Me classes, right?
They're classes where moms do yoga or gymnastics or dancing with their babies. It's a great way to get a workout without having to hire a babysitter, and a great way to find some camaraderie with other parents. Slightly less common are Daddy and Me classes, and we think that's a cryin' shame because they seem so cool!
Groovaroo, a Mommy and Me dance company based in San Diego, was started as a way to encourage maternal bonding and to increase babies' sensory-motor development.

Their website also suggests that when the baby is in the womb, it shares its heartbeat with mom so "Dancing with your baby is a natural extension of this vital rhythmic synchronization." The company has also organized Mom/Baby flash mobs all over the country (which sounds adorable and the videos confirm that it TOTALLY IS.)
While the mom-based classes were super popular, Groovaroo Dance realized that new moms don't need a fitness class: they need a night off.

Being a mom is super hard! There are diaper changes, late night feedings, and often late nights where you've tried everything and your kid is STILL screaming like its been bit by a rattlesnake (just kidding it was a fart). The solution to this problem was to hand the babies over to the dads for a night for "Mommy Mingle and Daddy Dance".
The moms got to head off to a night of girl time (read: snacks and naps), and the dads got down to business.

The gentlemen chose "Play That Funky Music" by Wildcherry and started choreography with their babies. They were sweaty, gross, and had those babies strapped to their chests for a long time, but the end product was worth it.
The dads' dance performance for the moms started off strong

There were no babies crying, no one screwing up the dance, and everyone was super pumped to get the party started.
The choreography was pretty easy, but their enthusiasm made up for their lack of skills.

The dance company even made instructional practice videos and sent them to the dads in advance JUST IN CASE.
To be honest, aspects of it gave off "Electric Slide"/"Cupid Shuffle" vibes.

Slide to the left! To be fair, the dance has to be on the simpler side to avoid shaking the babies.
And can we take a moment to appreciate the sweet booty action of the gentleman in the green shirt?

And, because they're dudes, they NEEDED to have an air guitar solo. With their babies. Air baby? Baby Guitar? Baby guitar solo.

At the end, the moms showed off their funky moves and our hearts melted.

If you want to watch the FULL performance:
Check it out on the Groovaroo Facebook page, along with all of their other amazing dance videos!