This Ecstatic Mom Lost All Her Chill Over A Talking Chewbacca Mask
If you don't smile while watching this you need to seek professional help.
Candace Payne just celebrated her birthday with the best present ever. The Star Wars enthusiast and mom of two was shopping at Kohl's when she stumbled upon a toy she deemed too cool to share with her kids: a Chewbacca mask.
Candace recorded herself in her car as she opened the package and donned the Wookie mask for the first time—and we're so glad she did. Her giddy joy escalates from giggles to full-on scream laughing, and her laughs are so GD contagious that you can't help but belly laugh along with her. We wish we could find something in this weird world that would make us cry tears of joy in a Kohl's parking lot. Until then, we're going to keep rewatching Candace spiral into hilarious madness.
Meet Candance.

It's her birthday and she bought herself a gift.

Candance recorded the cutest video of her unwrapping her present and posted it on Facebook.

She also gave a warning that while her kids may play with her new toy, it will be staying in her room and will be her possession to use whenever she damn well pleases.
She gave us a hint: STAR WARS!!!!

Bottom right corner for those of you who can never find Waldo.
Candance started getting the giggles when opening the package.

Her joy is so GD contagious.
Which officially leveled up to full-on chuckles.

It's a Chewbacca mask!!!!!

She's losing it at this point.

Like, really losing it.

She takes a deep breath to compose herself. Then opens her mouth, which triggers the mask to make Chewie's signature roars.

"Ohhh! This is worth every penny! HahahahaHAHAHAHAAAAA!"

"I can't stop!... Oh my gosh! I'm in tears! I'm in tears!"

The birthday girl left us with this last nugget of wisdom: "It's the simple joys!"

Watch the joyful laugh fest here: