Your Therapist Called And Said To Repaint Your Walls With These Colors
Your therapist really wants you to repaint.
Take it from us and WebMD—no need to panic; you're not dying—surrounding yourself with certain colors pushes different emotions to the forefront. When you paint the walls in your apartment, house, shack behind the donut shop, or wherever you live your life, consider your color choice carefully—it plays a very important role in your happiness.
Cool colors such as blues and greens inspire your creativity and get your brain synapses firing. Depending on the room you're in, warm colors like red, yellow, and orange may energize you or stimulate your appetite. But be careful, because vibrant hues of red and yellow may lead to overeating—think McDonalds here.
Figure out the best color palette for each room in your home with our quick color guide below, organized by room. You're welcome.
The Living Room

Keep it cool: Greens and blues inspire peace and calm. So if you're addicted to the high-stress drama of "Game of Thrones," slather your walls with one of these soothing shades. Blue has been proven to lower blood pressure and decrease respiration. If that sounds like a bad thing, relax. Decreased respiration means that you're taking deeper, and thus fewer, breaths. An added bonus of a deep, rich blue, like cobalt: It shows off your sophisticated taste while giving you the extra blue benefits!
Warm it up: If you want to invite girlfriends over and gab about the newest season of "Real Housewives," go for a bright pink or orange. It's comforting and warm, stimulating conversation while showing off your playful side.
The Bedroom

Keep it cool: The red and blue lovechild, purple, straddles the line between stimulation and serenity—which sounds like the perfect bedroom color to us.
Warm it up: If you like a little spice and romance in your love life, a dusty red will encourage you and your partner to get frisky.
The Kitchen

Keep it cool: Maybe cooking helps you unwind, and you kick everyone out of the kitchen so you can focus. In that case, mint green walls might be for you. Science has shown that the color green doesn't strain eyes, so green walls will create the tranquil, Zen-like atmosphere you crave while your risotto simmers.
Warm it up: If you like your kitchen to be a bustling hub of activity, choose a joyful color like yellow. Red energizes, encouraging chatter and a convivial atmosphere. But dieters beware: If you're watching your waistline, these colors inspire overeating. TODAY cites a classic study in which gala attendees ate 33 percent less when they chowed down in a blue room, as opposed to a yellow or red room. The difference came down to aesthetics: Food looks more appealing bathed in warmer colors than in cool ones.
The Office

Keep it cool: If you're looking to be inspired, a bold green accent wall may kindle creativity. Aside from being easy on the retinas, this natural hue is associated with growth, health, and money—possibly leading to the success of your business endeavors.
Warm it up: Research shows a coat of warm yellow paint on the walls brings joy into your office. The hue helps cultivate optimism while promoting focus.
The Dining Room

Keep it cool: If you want the focus to be on feelings rather than food, choose a cool color. A cobalt blue comes off as elegant rather than chilly. Compliment it with beautiful art and a great meal, and you've got a surefire recipe for relaxation.
Warm it up: If you want to enliven dinner conversation, a golden yellow does the job beautifully. The color encourages diners to feel joy and smile more, while also encouraging them to join the clean plate club. If yellow isn't your favorite, stay in the warm family with a deep, rich plum that increases guests' heart rates, encouraging them to go for second helpings.
The Bathroom

Keep it cool: Opt for a soft gray to inspire a spa-like feeling in your bathroom. Similar to a white bathroom, a cool gray conjures feelings of cleanliness and sleek elegance.
Warm it up: Bathrooms with warm, rich hues will leave your guests feeling cozy. Paint the walls a deep peach and feel like you're wrapped up in a towel fresh from the dryer.