5 Brilliant Sites To Help You Choose What To Watch On Netflix
When "recommended for you" only adds to the problem.
I know I like dark comedies with a strong female lead, but how can I pick just one?!
You're an indecisive wreck. When your S.O. asks you what you want to watch you say, "I could go for anything," which really means, "I am crippled by my inability to choose, so please do me a solid and pick literally anything. I promise that if I hate it, I'll only complain a little bit." But what happens when no one is around to make that choice? Or your movie buddy is just as indecisive as you?
Netflix's "recommended for you section" only adds to the problem. Like, I know I like dark comedies with a strong female lead, but how can I pick just one?! Bottom line is, you need help whittling down the options. That's why we've rounded up the sites that will help you choose, once and for all, what to watch on Netflix in 30 seconds or less. Prepare to spend less time nail biting and more time TV-bingeing.
Suggest Me Movie: When any blockbuster will do.

SuggestMeMovie.com works like this: You go to the site and a movie pops up. Easy peasy. The site offers a trailer for each title and allows you to narrow your search by year, genre and IMDB score. I played around on the site for a while and found that most of the suggested titles are blockbuster-type movies that I'd heard of but never got around to seeing. Do yourself a favor and just pick the first one. You might like it.
Clue Me A Movie: When you want something you definitely haven't seen before.

ClueMeAMovie.com has some deep cuts. Narrow your choices from "Anything. Literally Anything" to only titles with a certain rating or genre. In my "up for anything" search, I got everything from B-list 80s movies, to old art house films, to foreign documentaries. I was impressed by the breadth of options and the opportunity to find interesting movies that I definitely had never heard of before.
Netflix Roulette: When it has to be Netflix.

Despite being a '.net' site, NetflixRoulette.net is pretty useful. No more deciding on a movie, only to find that it's not available on your one and only subscription service. Everything in their catalog is restricted to Netlfix-available material. You can find movies and TV shows with a certain Netflix ranking, or filter by a specific director or actor. Score.
Date Night Movies: When you gotta compromise.

The idea behind DateNightMovies.com is simple: you enter your favorite movie, your date enters theirs and the site suggests a movie that would be mutually agreeable to you both. For example, if your mom likes "Pretty Woman" and your dad likes "Die Hard," chances are they'll both like "Pulp Fiction." Even if you're totally dateless, this site is still a fun tool to find the lovechild of your favorite movies. "Fargo" + "Mean Girls" = "Heathers"? Thanks, datenightmovies.com!
A Good Movie To Watch: When you want to find a hidden gem.

Geared toward true film buffs, AGoodMovieToWatch.com is all about finding highly-rated, little-known movies. Basically, they weed out the garbage and the stuff you've likely already seen, so you can find those brilliant deep-cuts. They source from multiple platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon) and the site is updated regularly with recently added titles. Even better, you can get suggestions based on your mood or choose from curated lists of the "best" films offered on each platform. This one gets my vote.