Level Up Your Text Message Game With This New GIF Keyboard
Never again spend time copying and pasting the perfect looped video reaction.
GIFs are the best way to express yourself, second only to emojis.

And everyone has their favorites.

If you're me, you have multiple GIF folders that are properly categorized, right down to "Wine GIFs."

Thanks to Giphy, sending GIFs via text just got a whole lot easier.

They've introduced a fully integratable mobile keyboard full of all the best animated images.

It's also fully compatible with any app with a keyboard, so the GIF-able options are endless.

You can search by emotions like OMG or SMH, by a specific animal (looking at you, slam dunking otter), by celebrities, sports and just about everything else.

Once you find the perfect way to express yourself, tap the GIF you want and throw it in the bar above.

Or, you can also send them directly to Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Slack.
We saved the best part for last: tap the Magic 8 Ball and have Giphy animate your favorite phrase into a sparkling message.

Keep calm and GIF on, everyone.

Download the keyboard for your iPhone now.