Remember Reading Rainbow? It's Coming Back. And Going To Be Way More Awesome This Time.
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
You may remember Levar Burton as the host of the children's show 'Reading Rainbow' (or as La Forge, if you're a Trekkie). What you might not know is just how dedicated Burton really is to educating children and encouraging literacy. It goes WAY beyond being the frontman for the show! Now Burton is bringing Reading Rainbow back, and he's doing it in a pretty incredible way. And his reaction to the success of the new show is absolutely heartwarming.
Reading Rainbow, starring Levar Burton as its host, was a children's show that featured different books each episode and encouraged kids to read more.

The show aired in 1983 and had an incredible 26 year run.

Take a look, it's in a book, it's Reading Rainbow!
But for Burton that wasn't enough. He took to social media (where he has an enormous following) and started a Kickstarter campaign to bring the program back.

The Kickstarter site outlined what Burton wanted to do. He wanted to keep fighting illiteracy amongst children with Reading Rainbow, but do it in a new and modern way. He also wanted enough funding so low-income schools could use it for free.

The new show, which will be web-based and come with online tools for teachers as well, has raised over $1 million! Long live Reading Rainbow!

Do not show me this again