Proof That Famous YouTubers Grow Up But Never Get Old
Fun fact, 2007 graphics were TERRIBLE.
NigaHiga (Ryan Higa) 2007 vs. Now

Change: growing the fuck up. Ryan Higa's channel is still as popular as ever, though his content has become a lot more thoughtful and introspective than his old sugar-crazed teenage videos. Now his channel has weekly videos that range from vlogs to comedy sketches to song parodies. His "How to be Ninja" and "How to be Gangster" are still the most popular videos, along with his newer song "Nice Guys."
Michelle Phan 2006 vs. Now

Michelle's channel has changed in a lot of ways, namely better quality production and makeup she's working with. Now she is writing a graphic novel AND has a makeup line with L'Oreal.
Pewdiepie (Felix Kjellberg) 2011 vs. Now

All hail the King of YouTubeland! Here is another YouTuber who has drastically grown up and he recently he apologized for how homophobic and inconsiderate his first videos were. Pewdiepie is one of the first vloggers to be brought onto YouTubeRed, the new ad-free, paid frontier of the website. He's also raised over $1 million for children's charities around the world.
Smosh (Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox) 2006 vs. Now

Where other YouTubers grow up and embrace more sophisticated content, Smosh said "You're not my real dad and you never will be!" and became more childish. AND IT WORKED. Their first videos were sketches and movie/TV parodies, and now they still do that along with original series "Every (Blank) Ever", a cartoon channel, a movie, and a full staff of writers and actors to help create more videos. Food Battle is still the best though.
ItsKingsleyBitch (King Russell) 2010 vs. Now

Blast from the past, Kingsley also grew into an actually delightful adult, a surprise to all of us considering that his first videos were angry rants about Disney Channel and the Jonas Brothers. Now he's still dishing out the pop culture but with a lot more class (and MUCH better quality audio). He also collaborates with LOGO and has helped raise a TON of money for Flint, Michigan.
Grace Helbig 2007 vs. Now

Grace's first videos were about introvert struggles, which had not received any coverage in 2008, and TONS of people related. Her content has stayed the same, but she switched channels, collaborates with her friends a lot more, has written two books and had a show on E!
Philip DeFranco (2007 vs. Now)

Philly D has also grown up and has become the most polished of the group. Starting off as a Dane Cook wannabe who made news videos in his girlfriend's basement. He is now seen as a reliable news source and was even brought on TV as a commentator during the 2012 elections. Recently, Phil developed the news network "Sourcefed" which is owned by Discovery. His other channels include "The Phillip DeFranco Show" and "The DeFranco Fam" which is a family blog.
Shane Dawson 2008 vs. Now

Shane, unfortunately, got worse even though he got more "successful". Shane made immature but hilarious videos impersonating caricatures of family members and making song parodies. Shane had tons of opportunities and decided to produce a movie, write two books, and start a podcast. But where his professional career took off, his YouTube was sinking into the unoriginal—fast food taste tests, DIY galaxy tutorials, and other transparent grabs for views from his all-too-accepting audience.
Hannah Hart 2009 vs. Now

Like DeFranco, Hart got more polished over the years. Starting with her series "My Drunk Kitchen," she became increasingly funny and also began creating introspective vlogs about LGBT+ and mental health issues. One of her most recent accomplishments is "Have a Hart Day" which is a national celebration of community service. Hart has written two books and she has starred in the films "Camp Takota" and "Electra Woman and Dyna Girl."
Jenna Mourey (JennaMarbles) 2010 vs. Now

Jenna went from being a gogo dancer whose videos were either extremely pissed off (but hilarious) rants or bikini videos, and blossomed into the funny lady whose parodies, sketches, and vlogs still have us rolling on the floor laughing. Her changes lead to featuring her personality more, dying her hair all sorts of crazy colors, getting two more dogs, a WAY nicer boyfriend, and a fancy new vegan lifestyle. Our trash Jersey Shore-esque princess done gone and transformation Tuesday'ed on us.