10 Of The Crappiest Field Trips In The History Of Elementary School
Can we just stay home instead?
Field Trip Day: A much-needed vacation from the confinements of the classroom learning environment.
Trips to the zoo, the aquarium and interactive children's museums were all the rage growing up. We could run around, see some cool stuff and learn without feeling overwhelmed by the information presented. Field trips are supposed to be fun and supplemental to our learning.
Somewhere in the mix, we also had really crappy field trips. These were the trips that almost made you wish you'd stayed home watching cartoons all day—or worse, stayed at school.
They're some of those memories we wish we could suppress, but always seem to haunt us even as adults. Recently, we asked people to recall their worst field trip memory and the results were hilarious:
1. America's favorite chain restaurant

Pepperoni AND sausage without having to pay extra? Sign me up!
2. The place where we'll all eventually end up...

Just leave all of your hopes and dreams here, kids.
3. America's favorite wholesale market

Thank yous in bulk.
4. Not your usual trip to the grocery store

5. Teaching kids about budget cuts early on in life

6. Where all of your hand-made Father's Day gifts ended up

Who wouldn't want to meet the HR Lady??
7. An underwhelming trip to the mall

8. A rock

9. Just trying to cleanse you of all of your future sins you'll commit in high school

10. 💩

So if you're ever invited to chaperone a field trip, make sure it's to some place fun like an amusement park, aquarium or zoo. If not, just go to work — you'll probably have more fun there.