These Women Prove The Older They Get, The Hotter They Get, Too
Talk about ageless beauty.
Recently, photos of a contoured 80-year-old grandma living in Croatia went viral. Her makeup artist granddaughter Tea Flego documented the transformation on Instagram.
Flego told Buzzfeed she always wanted to be a makeup artist, and she often practiced on her grandmother. "My Granny was always my model," Flego said. Grandma Flego always loved makeup, and modeling her granddaughter's looks were not a problem for her.
Check out the beautiful photos below, and take a look at two other women who prove beauty bares no age.
Pre-contoured Grandma Flego:

Still a natural beauty in our eyes.
Post-contoured Grandma Flego:

Here she is at grandmodel status.
Makeup artist Tea Flego captured the transformation on her Instagram.
#GranddaughterGoals right here.
60-year-old Yazmeenah Rossi will show you how to slay as a model.

At 60, Yazemeenah Rossi looks Sports Illustrated cover worthy.
She proves that beauty has no age limit in these campaign images for a swimsuit collaboration between online specialty shop The Dreslyn and lingerie house Land of Women.


And 60-year-old grandmother Melissa will school you on fashion and beauty.

We can't tell if we're more obsessed with her Tennessee twang or her boss beauty knowledge.
This mother-of-two and grandmother-of-seven is YouTube's resident beauty blogger. From smokey eyes to the best way to accessorize, Melissa doles out advice women at any age should consider.
Watch Melissa spill her beauty secrets here.
These women prove that just because you grow older doesn't mean you outgrow beauty.
Slay, glammas, slay.