I Made Avocado Roses And Now I'm Apparently The Office Martha Stewart
Because if you don't Instagram your food, did you really eat it?
Avocado roses are the newest food fad to hit Instagram.
They're just beautiful and according to many a food blogger, very easy to make. So I decided I'd give it a try in full food stylist manner.
I gathered my supplies (namely, some avocados and a knife)

And got to work
I did botch three avocado halves before getting to a presentable rose and there are 2 reasons:
1) nothing is ever as easy as food bloggers make it look
2) there were never any written instructions!
So for all those verbal learners who like to read instructions, I'm here to help.
Step 1, Peel: (Step 0 is cutting your avocado in half and removing the pit) And then you can gently peel the skin off, this part really is that easy. There may be blemishes in the fruit as you peel, but they won't show so don't fret.
Step 2, Slice: Next, make very thin slices all the way through the avocado (this is the crucial piece of information I was missing for my failed attempts) and I was foolishly slicing only halfway down which really doesn't work.
Step 3, Fan Out: This part was the hardest at first, but there's a trick. When you have a start to fanning out your slices, place your hands on either side of them and pull with one while supporting with the other (here the video may be of more help). Once I discovered this method, fanning got ridiculously easy.
Step 4, Roll: I tried starting my roll from each side and honestly didn't see much difference in making the pieces stay better either way, but it will take some practice to tell just how tight you can make your roll. Unfortunately this really just depends on your avocado. But you can always unroll and try again (I did!)
And I'd say that after three failed attempts, the others turned out pretty well!

And they tasted delicious, too, I think the whole Dose office will attest.