BatLabels Is The Twitter Account All Nerds Need To Follow Right Now
First of all, if you're not familiar with the masterpiece that is the 1966 TV show "Batman," get your life together and watch the intro.
Starring Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin, the show was the epitome of campy television. It was filled with very corny fight sequences, complete with giant POWS and CRASHES filling the screen. I seriously suggest you check it out.
There's a lot to love about the 1966 "Batman" TV show, but one person realized maybe the best thing about the show are the insane labels everywhere.
The Twitter account @BatLabels is pretty self-explanatory. They are tweeting out photos of some of the best labels found in the show, and it's possibly my favorite account on Twitter right now.
Some labels make sense...
It's good to know where your Beryllium is stored and all.
Some are very helpful...
It's clearly marked.
Some just friendly reminders...
Batman is just here to keep you safe, in any way possible.
Some are things that maybe you don't want to put labels on?
Maybe don't create a map of all the rare art in Gotham for the Joker to get his hands on?
All of them are so perfectly on the nose.
You'll need to check the other file for lesser known criminals.
And you certainly can't say Batman wasn't on brand.
It's a good thing these are labeled, would not want to mix up the start button and the Batbeam Firing button.
I feel like Batman and Robin should have been able to avoid this...sticky situation.
Thank you, BatLabels for being so perfect. I get a little teary-eyed thinking about it, just like Bats.
Check out more brilliant labels by following @BatLabels