9 Sex Disorders For Every Hypochondriac To Obsess Over
Our genitals have the power to ruin our lives.
Our genitalia is kind of a mystery. There are a lot of parts to them and each part does it's own... thing. Sometimes it's hard to figure out what's normal and what's not, and side from sending your bff a picture of your PP, WebMD is typically our best resource. Rest assured, if you have one of the below conditions, you probably do not need WebMD to tell you there's an issue—it should be GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that things are not right down there. These bizarre disorders prove they're even more of a mystery than we realize. Our privates areas can be a scary place that has the power to seriously ruin lives.
1. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Yep, it's exactly what it sounds like. PGAD may not sound so terrible in theory, but then again, the feeling of having to pee all the time might just feel like a UTI, which is a fucking nightmare. The disorder is commonly found in women who have undergone some kind of hormone-therapy or menopause. Sometimes a brief relief can be achieved after an orgasm, but after just a few minutes, those randy nether regions become restless once again.
2. Priapism

Know how Viagra commercials always spew out the side-affects toward the end of the commercial (when the dude is wearing a dopey grin and the woman smizing makes you feel super uncomfortable)? You probably managed to catch a phrase that says something to the effect of, "if your erection lasts longer that 4 hours, call a friggin' doctor?" They're referring to priapism. It's a disorder that occurs when blood becomes trapped in the penis and doesn't circulate into the rest of the body. Sounds painful right? Well, that's because it is. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE In serious cases (which, please name a case of a 4-hour hard on IS NOT serious) it can lead to erectile disfunction, a disfigured penis and, in extreme cases, gangrene of the penis. And if you're wondering how gangrene is treated, read on here .
3. Anorgasmia

Great - everyone's worst nightmare is actually a confirmed thing. Anorgasmia is the EXTREMELY depressing disorder, where a person cannot reach climax. Ever. As it seems for most horrible conditions, it's more common in women, and even more common in women who are post-menopausal. Although the condition is often classified as a psychiatric disorder, it can also be caused by the use of SSRIs, drugs used to treat depression.
4. Vaginismus

Similar to the way your butt-hole clenches when you go to look at your bank account, a vagina-haver with this condition clamps tightly down there at the idea of penetration (be it penis, tampon, or whatever else people put up there). With this reflex, any act of penetration is either impossible, or very painful. For those of you wondering what this might look like, please consider the very real term "penis captivus," which, if you've seen the movie Teeth, you need no further elaboration on.
5. Retrograde Ejaculation

Yes, it is what you think it is—instead of going out, the semen goes into the bladder. Typically, when a man experiences an orgasm, his muscles constrict to prevent semen from going upstream, but those with this disorder have weak or damaged muscles that cannot properly guide the fluid. As you might imagine, this is a cause of infertility among men. According to WebMD, retrograde ejaculation may be caused by prior prostate surgery, diabetes and some medications.
6. Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome

POIS is a cute little life-ruiner that basically causes its victims (typically men) to live in fear of an orgasm. Along with cognitive, psychological and physiological symptoms, one experiences severe muscle pain throughout the body after ejaculation. These not-so-fun effects can begin immediately to a half an hour of the time of climax and can last for several days. According to the National Institute of Health, the cause of the condition is not know, but some scientists speculate that it may be due to a semen allergy or chemical imbalances in the brain.
7. Exclusive Paraphilias

Fetishes are totally normal. Into spanking? Very cool! Something about feet really get you going? Sure! Very into bondage? I mean, who isn't, really? For most, these fixations aren't absolutely necessary in order to enjoy sex, but those with Exclusive Paraphilias cannot say the same. People with this disorder only experience sexual arousal with the presence of their fetish. Without that particular factor, absolutely no arousal is possible.
8. Sexsomnia

Sexsomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person will engage in sexual activity while fast asleep. Sounds like a loud of BS, right? Well, it's not. Unlike a wet dream, the person with Sexsomnia acts on full-fledged sexual behavior while still asleep. Like sleep walking, a person with the condition is completely unaware of their actions and has zero recollection of it the next day. The diagnosis is fairly new, so the causes and treatments are relatively open-ended, but medical research suggests that the use of alcohol and drug use can trigger the reaction.
9. Micropenis

While some women might be deterred when met with an especially girthy penis, this rare condition might leave some ladies skeptical and confused as to their what/where/how of their partner's partner. According to science, the average penis is between five and six inches, however, about 0.6 percent of men have a condition called Micropenis. This penis is defined as having an erect penis length of less than 2 inches. The cause is genetic, and although their is some hormone therapy to be had, it's unlikely the penis will ever reach average size.