Ruby Rose Just Got Us Pregnant In This New Droolworthy Urban Decay Ad
Beauty's latest bad girl is now the face of Urban Decay.
Everyone with the gift of sight is in love with Ruby Rose. The Australian actress, who's often compared to the Beibs for her boyish good looks, first set hearts ablaze when she appeared on "Orange Is The New Black" last summer.
As if we couldn't fall more madly in love with her, Ruby is now the face of Urban Decay, leading a lipstick revolution by helping the brand launch a major revamp with their "Vice" collection.
Bold beauty brand Urban Decay first announced a secretive partnership with everyone's crush back in March.
Now we know what they were up to. The new ad for their revamped lipstick collection is finally here.
The leather-clad stunner makes her way down a dark alley, like the badass she is.

She puts on a gorgeous violet shade of lipstick.

I don't know if I want to own that lipstick or be it, tbh.
There's no secret passcode to enter this club. She just flashes those gorgeous lips and is let right in.

Then we're transported to a magical land of lipstick where everything is Ruby Rose and nothing hurts.

If this is not what heaven looks like, I'm going to be pissed.
She throws some punches while looking intimidating and sexy AF.

And then she winks at us, which nearly sent me to the hospital.

Honestly, my life flashed before my eyes. LOOK AT THAT JAWLINE.
Her rescue pups even make an appearance.

In my fantasy life, we'd make a great pair of dog moms.
She switches up her lip shade a few times, showing off the versatility of the range.

I hope that someday someone will look at me the way that Rubes looks at that lighter.
Okay. I'm done. I'm dead. I can't.

Then she just walks away from us, which is probably for the best because I couldn't handle anymore.

UD's Vice lipsticks are now on sale for $17, but good luck choosing just one.
The brand is releasing 100 shades—74 of which are new and 26 from their original lineup. They'll come in 6 different finishes, including mega matte, comfort matte, cream, metallized, sheer and sheer shimmer—so say goodbye to your next few paychecks.
Check out the full ad here, if you feel like torturing yourself some more.