Ringling Bros. Retires Its Last 11 Elephants To Its Florida Sanctuary
To be honest, we'd like to retire here too.
The elephants that added unforgettable* magic to the Ringling Bros. Circus have performed their last show.

*Get it, because elephants never forget?
For 145 years, the circus has used Asian elephants in their traveling circus and has been heavily criticized for it by animal rights groups.
But the last 11 elephants have now officially retired and will spend the rest of their lives in the company's elephant sanctuary.

The Center for Elephant Conservation is located on 200 acres in Central Florida.

The center currently houses 40 other retired show elephants who collectively consume 2.5 tons of hay, 700lbs of grain and 80 gallons of water daily.

While the Center itself still receives criticism, the elephants are sure to live a happier life without a grueling show schedule.